The Ritz-Carlton Reserve
2/3-Bedroom Kitchen Option 1
2/3-Bedroom Kitchen Option 2
2/3-Bedroom Living Room
2/3-Bedroom Living & Dining Room
2/3-Bedroom Master Bathroom
3-Bedroom Double Bedroom
2/3-Bedroom Terrace Kitchen
2/3-Bedroom Terrace Plunge Pool
Penthouse Kitchen
Penthouse Living Room
Penthouse Master Bedroom
Penthouse Balcony
Penthouse Balcony Plunge Pool
The Cove, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve Residence, is not owned, developed or sold by The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. or its affiliates ("Ritz-Carlton"). George's Bay Residences Limited uses The Ritz-Carlton marks under a license from Ritz-Carlton, which has not confirmed the accuracy of any of the statements or representations made herein. Caroline Bay Marina is not managed by The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. or its affiliates. This advertisement is not an offering. It is a solicitation of interest in the advertised property. No offering of the advertised units can be made and no deposits can be accepted, or reservations, binding or non-binding, can be made until an offering plan is filed with the New York State Department of Law. This advertisement is made pursuant to Cooperative Policy Statement No. 1 issued by the New York State Department of Law, File CP17-00010.